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January 31, 2022 22:55:32 +0000 (UTC)

  Why hello there, my fleeting mocittens. Today I've returned from another short break to give you a...

Why hello there, my fleeting mocittens. Today I've returned from another short break to give you a cute candid photo Tomo-chin took of me on a fun day out.

Tomo-chin and I had..... reasons for getting out of the house today. Also, ignore Tsugu-chan and Sayo. That was the best angle Tomoe could get of me without those two noticing us. Don't think we were stalking them on their date, though. Because we definitely weren't.

Even IF Tsugu were to hypothetically tell us where she and Sayo were hanging out, we simply have too much integrity to follow them like that. Wait, I have to go, they're looking this way AND BY THEY I MEAN RAN AND THE GANG MOCA CHAN OUT ;D