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August 17, 2020 16:04:03 +0000 (UTC)


at this point everyone should know I hate doing lyric translation but this one I really couldn't help. every time I look at the translation for 1000-kai Urunda Sora on the Wikia I die a little inside ... the source has since been deleted, so I'm pretty sure the OP of that is aware of it as well.

I'm not blaming OP, translating is hard & translating lyrics is harder, but as someone who wrote English lyrics for this song a while ago I couldn't help but notice and it's been driving me nuts ever since

in the comments is my own translation, I won't say it's 100% accurate because when is it ever but it's definitely closer than what's on the Wikia right now. I love this song and its message a lot so I hope I got it across decently well,,