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April 15, 2020 10:26:02 +0000 (UTC)


Okay fam. We reach the middle of the month, and with it, to the next stop of this Happy party train tour of April.

Looking back in time, i guess i should say that this month is kind of "special" to me regarding bandori, but i'll left that for another post that is going to come soon enough, for now let's jump straight into bussiness.

Oh boy, from where should i start with today's honoree, She is basically the reason i got into bandori in the first place, and after that, A LOT of things happened 'til this day. Starting from her Seiyuu, who as she has already accustomed us, does an impressive job. Her relation with Ako is just adorable, the way she treasure her friends (old or new) and how always try to act as the more mature of them, even if that backfires on her due to her hot-blooded temper. Or those rare moments when we can see her having an "Older sisters talk" with Sayo and giving her some advices or opinions. I simply should say that i adore everything of this lady.

So, for this and those other many more reasons i didn't mention because if i do this would turn out to be a post of biblical proportions. I once again ask all of you to join me and raise your glasses for our lovable Red-headed, the drumer of Afterglow.

A Very Happy Birthday Tomoe! Now give me some Soiyas for her!