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June 10, 2019 21:33:01 +0000 (UTC)


So because it's pride month I decided to a do a small blog about it , now I am cis not gay or anything else, pretty basic stuff but i live in a country when LGBT talk is taboo and unacceptable in general, my parents never sit down and told me anything about it, it's all come from my curiousity as I search the internet that's it , at first I though you either can be hetero , bi or gay until I discovered other sexualities and my mind was blown , well to be honest there is ton of them I have hard time undrestand how each of them work but I personnaly don't mind who you are as long as you are a nice and a great person and since my parents never told me why it's not alright in my religion and only finish the subject with "because god told us it's the case" I mean I get the same marriage thingy and pregnancy thingy but why it is not good to love someone from the same sex as you ? Why is it wrong to be different? I don't get it, I am a grown up and I still don't get it and that's why I wholeheartedly support anything LGBT , I might not understand what you are but I support you 100% because you are a human being like me and deserve love and I love you all with all your complicated sexuality because it doesn't matter at the end of the day , you are good as you are so be yourself and never listen to critics