Ciao a tutti, here is Alisa talking to you (ex Minami_Minami). How are you? I hope for good. So... what can I tell you about me? I'm a girl who can be called a lover of girls, so I'm homosexual, that's right! Since adolescence, I have experienced these feelings towards my own sex, so I could say that I have always been this way, huehehe. To express these feelings with you, also with regards to 2D girls, I plan to prepare a small (not so much) list of the various and endless girls that are in my TOP 3, obviously they are taken by a determined anime / manga / game ( Touch me, senpai/kohai, for more info! ). I hope you will like it as an idea, and I will start tomorrow with the Bandori series. I wish you a happy month of pride. Saluti!