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March 10, 2019 15:11:52 +0000 (UTC)


okusawamiikun’s 30 Day Challenge!

Day 10: Favourite HaroHapi character

I have a clear favourite in every other band but HaroHapi has to make it hard for some reason. Until very recently Kanon and Misaki were locked in eternal warfare or so I thought, then out of nowhere Hagu showed up unannounced and seized the throne so. That's how it is right now. Is that how it's gonna stay? Who knows but one thing's certain, I'm bursting with love for this girl.

Hagumi isn't the sort of character I'd deem as a fav usually but this development comes right on the heels of my finally watching Hibike!Euphonium and unexpectedly falling for Hazuki Katou so apparently I have a thing for short-haired genki girls who try their best to keep smiling no matter what happens now?

And that pretty much sums up why I love Hagu. She may be one of the sanbaka but she's very emotionally astute and worries a lot about other people's problems and her inability to help them because she'd help everyone if she could, she doesn't like the dog-eat-dog attitude that permeates society . . . not to mention her own family issues. Someone so deeply empathetic is likely susceptible to being overwhelmed by all of that, but Hagu stays positive and is such a fun-loving, joyful ray of sunshine who belongs so perfectly with HaroHapi and their mission that it's easy to forget the hardships in her life. What an amazing girl. Support Hagumi