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December 31, 2018 21:56:37 +0000 (UTC)



I am mute. I can't talk, I can't sing, and I don't know sign language. It's scary. I wasn't born mute, but whenever I try to make a sound, it feels like I'm trapped. Recently, my mom payed for a super expensive surgery to have me fixed. It didn't help, of course, and my mom feels really bad. We have been going through some tough times recently, and I have been feeling very alone through all of this, especially since I can't comfort her or tell her everything is going to be fine. It isn't, and I'm really scared for her. I have a tendency to worry when there isn't anything to worry about, but I am sure that there is something wrong. She's kind of...snapped, I feel like. And I can't do anything to help her because I can't say anything. Not a word. It feels awful. I love her, and I can't save her. She's been saying weird things lately, and the only thing I can do is pray. She cut herself yesterday on purpose. I can't really be all happy right now, even though it's New Years Eve. Please don't worry about me or my mom, just ignore this if you would like. I just needed to share this.

have a wonderful new years, everyone.

thank you.

e// Guys, I have great news. In the few hours that this post has been up, I've been feeling better about communicating with mom. She said that she's been going through stuff, including the surgery failure, but she is sorry for making me worry. She didn't cut herself on purpose, actually(she dropped the knife while cooking lunch). She has scheduelded(wut) another surgery for Tuesday, and it's with the best doctor in the state. We have to drive quite aways, but I'm happy to say that he has treated conditions like mine. I could have a voice again, and I couldn't been happier. My mom is feeling more confident, and she is excited about this as well. Thank you all so much for letting me pour out my heart to all of you, I appreciate it so much! Happy New Years, everyone, and thank you all for your support! I hate being so negative, and I'm happy that this episode has been put to rest. I can't thank you all enough for helping me(cheesy line coming up oops) find my voice :)

Happy New Years, from Annie~~

e2// Guys, I have wonderful news--the surgery was a success! Your support meant so much to me, and after hours of sitting in a chair, I can talk again! I am over the moon about this, and I am so happy this is all over. I appreciate all of your love and support, and I thank all of you with my whole heart!