Players list / THOT-SAMA

THOT-SAMA avatar


I came from outer space. I'm hot and a mysterious b-ch.

Relationship status

Hero-kun: The man of my dreams desu. He touched my Op-Op and now we're engaged. We basically progress the plot forward whenever were on screen time so you better support us or we'll make the plot into a bad one like that black haired gamer who is literally farming cabbage patch Obsoletes behind him, adopting a nonexistent child with the girl that is a combination of a useless pink haired ninja, the tsundere blonde fake lover with a locket, and that blue haired goddess that we don't talk about, while being OP like, we get it you won first place in fortnite no one cares, b-ch.

Obsolete-chan: Hero-kun's childhood friend. They've been friends since childhood. No matter how hard she tries she can't get Hero-kun's Doki Doki Kokoro because he's mine, b-ch. Maybe if she was trap or a loli she would have captured his Doki Doki Kokoro in a T H E R P Z O O P!

(Hello everyone! My real name is Akaringo. And as you can see this is heavily inspired by Lost Pause's Childhood friend curse video. Please do not take what's on here seriously and just have fun, okay? (:3 」∠)

Rin-Rin Go-Go!! \\\٩( 'ω' )و ////)

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