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May 12, 2018 13:35:12 +0000 (UTC)


At first I thought that my internet speed is very good, then I played multi live once and got proven totally wrong. Everyone else finished loading in 1 second or less, I need around 10 seconds to finish, and at that time there wasn't even any connection problems that I'm aware of before the multi live! The rest of the game loaded normally, though sometimes there's just enough time for me to read the 1koma panels in the loading screen.

In conclusion, my internet is just the worst compared to many other players who probably lived in a different country from mine

From that point onward, I can't even imagine how speedy these people's internet connections can be and I also wondered "Where do these people live? Their connection speed is insane!" at times

(I'm not even sure what tag is suitable for this because I think this is just a mini-rant about internet connections)