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December 06, 2018 19:53:05 +0000 (UTC)


lemme jump in the bandwagon reaaalll quick huhehe-

christmas wishlist. this is all i ever need in my life. god p l e a s E-

okay, okay, other than rinko cards (which was pretty obvious if you know me), if i got these cards i'd most likely... well... cry!:

  • tomoplease

tomoe. i beg of you. come home. you're literally the ONLY card i need from this set gkjlk;df.....

  • rimirririririrri

i love this rimi and if she'd come home i'd go WILD (and if saaya did instead i'd still go wild,)

  • arisajii

this arisa is a goddess and i need her in my life. actually, i need every arisa in my life too.

self-explanatory. they're all so gorgeous. i need them in my life

  • every other girl that wishes to come home

in all honesty, i'd like any girl. any rarity. they're all so wholesome and they'd all make me cry. no, lemme correct that: they all make me cry*