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May 25, 2018 13:24:17 +0000 (UTC)


whee whoo this long as fuck anyway hello. it's me again (surprise surprise) anyway i really like how everyone's been gushing over their best girls, so it's time for me too as well :^) fortunately (or unfortunately either way) for me, my best girl lisa is p popular aka i doubt i can do her justice since most people. including the mods. probably already like her bUT i guess i could use this as a chance to share my story with her and therefore why my love for her means a lot to me ;;


- the beginning ☆

ok so backstory i joined bandori wayyy back near the end of the stargazing event, and immediately fell in love with it. i had trouble picking a best girl at first bc heck they're all too good? but then i did my first 10 pull, and scouted initial lisa & saaya's 3*s. by then i had an inkling that lisa stood out to me bc a) she had a really nice design b) her voice was cutE and c) she just wanted to see yukina smile again how precious and gay is that - so scouting her just solidified her ranking as best girl, as shallow as that was

cut to a few months later, and lisa's first 4* - lim swimsuit btw - was released. i was blown away, and pulled for her but failed otl still, i painstakingly grinned for her, hoping to have at least 2 more pulls to get her. then it was the last day of the event, and i was having a fucking horrible day. the details don't really matter, but i was really down in the dumps. i decided to scout once-


-and lo and behold she came home! i was so excited - my faves almost never came home, and yet lisa loved me enough to bless me with her lim 4*! for once i felt really loved, as silly as that sounds. that's why lisa is my best girl, and that's why i swore she'd always, always be - i'll forever treasure the gift of happiness she gave me that day.

- the mountain of troubles ☆

then again, nothing can be sunshine and rainbows, especially not in a gacha game :^) perm marching band lisa came swinging by, and i was ecstatic! back then, the ever naïve me believed so strongly that she would come home - why wouldn't she? lisa is a lovely, lovely girl who would care deeply for her fans - the fact that she came by once made me hope that she'd come again.

i was wrong.

four pulls later (with the first one being another 4* that cucked me and the game crashing on the last one) i had zero stars. i was so gutted. how could this happen to me? i put in all my faith, all my trust and all my heart in her and yet... and yet...

that's why i began to pull away from bandori, albeit unconsciously. and when valentines lisa dropped, i still bore hope - but not much. no surprise there that she didn't come home. it's quite sad to say it was bc of my gacha experience that made my drift from lisa, but it's the ugly truth.

- the resolution ☆

well, there is a happily ever after! i've been saving like mad ever since the scouting rates doubled, waiting for a lisa 4* to drop and for me to try again. i didn't have a shred of hope when i saw the roselia band story 2.0 cards, but i hoped that at least i could scout a new 4* with 5 pulls.

so i did my first pull. and saw rainbow lights. i remember thinking to myself, "calm down, there's no way it can be her... remember last time... remember when-"

'last time' no longer mattered - she came home.


she came home on my very first pull, and i almost cried. while my feelings aren't the same as that fateful day for they have become too tainted with bitterness, it was still a very, very satisfying sensation. i just... i just can't believe it. i see her now whenever i open jp bandori, and i'm almost speechless. she's so beautiful, and she's finally home. it almost makes me think that all that struggling, all that self-loathing, all that confusion was just to make this moment all the more bittersweet and precious.

will i still be able to love her the same way i used to? i doubt so. but we've gone through so much together, and i've grown so much from loving her. so that's why i love lisa, and even though i tried to change my own mind to stop loving her and let go, it never worked. so yeah, sorry for that word vomit and thank you for reading my painful gacha story spawned from my love for my best girl <33

May 20, 2018 21:05:49 +0000 (UTC)


I have 2 best girls so I hope this isn't too long hfdsdk

Back on May 6th 2017, my friend solo'd initial Aya 3☆ and I fell in love with her, I started asking about her and ended up researching and she's been my best girl since.

I didn't start Bandori until July of the same year, the Tanabata event started and my friend told me she was the 3☆. I played nonstop until I got her. As I was playing I started to think that Tsugumi was super cute, so I looked more into her aswell and she was my second best for a short time until July 26th I decided they were tied.

Now, I don't have any bandori merch, at all. (Once they have omanjus watch me preorder that shit so fast though) So I don't any to show, or shrines at all so rip me so instead I'm gonna just babble about how much I love them here we go

Aya :

She's so brave and strong and fights for her dreams and never gives up and she's just such a huge inspiration to me!! She has stage fright which i relate alot with, I wanna perform too but I always fear I'll mess it up so i just dhfjksd Her voice is so amazing, her voice makes me so happy and it's so bubbly and beautiful fhdjskf and not to mention her cards!!!! She has some of the best cards in this game tbh. Her color palette is so nice, I know it's jsut pink on pink but it's so nice to look at?? she looks amazing with any hair style and outfit and she's so cute and adorable I lvoe her,, shes like the ideal idol?? super caring and just!!!!! her interactions with the other members in pastel palettes is so important!!!! She's left a positive impact on all of them adn im cyrign i lveo Aya Maruyama so mcuh fdjsfd

Tsugumi :

I love when she.. does her best... and smiles.. she's an extremely hard worker and feels like she's not as good as everyone else in Afterglow buT SHE DOENS'T KNOW HOW AMAZING AND TALENTED SHE IS HAVE YOU SEEN MY DAUGHTER. Her voice!!! it's super cute and like i love it?? and though we don't get to hear her sing often, when we do i just!! wow!!! talented baby gorl!!! her cards are also very very vERY cute and i love her simple design?? I'd love to see her in some alternate hairstyles, like some low pigtails maybe??? super cute pls djkdsfks again might i just say when she!! does that!! thing where she!!!! does her best!!!!! my heart esplodes!!!! her relationship with everyone in Afterglow is so pure and softe and i love my daughter and all her friends thank you so mcuh i lvoe them

Although they have no given me any 4☆'s I really hope someday they will, and I'm content with the 3☆'s I have now. They both mean alot to me and I really want a PasuPare/AGlow event where Aya and Tsugumi sing a song together please,, thank u,,

May 18, 2018 07:02:07 +0000 (UTC)


once upon a time i thought the double rainbow event was the only event that could hurt me


i was wrong (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ) they're too beautiful and i'm weak

May 17, 2018 19:38:03 +0000 (UTC)


i love roselia so fucking much like i love how at first they were a band formed solely for the purpose of success but now, aside from that, they actually genuninely care about each other and i

May 13, 2018 02:07:13 +0000 (UTC)


aya: swear words are illegal now. if you say one you'll be fined.

eve: heck

aya: you're on thin fucking ice

aya: oh no

May 13, 2018 08:33:42 +0000 (UTC)


curseddddddhkkdkd the first bad was me just messing up and the 3 misses are the cursed double tap mcfuckin flick notes

May 10, 2018 03:07:44 +0000 (UTC)



May 10, 2018 12:34:58 +0000 (UTC)


I just realized that some of my favorite girls are the really fucking dumb ones. I'm just attracted to absolute morons I love it.

May 10, 2018 12:04:36 +0000 (UTC)

me, impulse scouting even tho im tryna save: lol i ain’t gonna get shit
this dumb stupid game: :

me, impulse scouting even tho im tryna save: lol i ain’t gonna get shit this dumb stupid game: :)

May 10, 2018 02:46:04 +0000 (UTC)


this site gets activities

Me: "Nice"

Posts some dumb shit

leaves for 3 days



".........what the fuuuuuuuuuuu happened here???"

May 09, 2018 00:03:47 +0000 (UTC)


unpopular opinion chisato is a queen and you guys are all fucking crazy

May 08, 2018 16:56:59 +0000 (UTC)


Whenever anyone brings up Misaki Vs. the HHW Idiot Trio, what pops into my head is this video.