I normally don't do this. Especially not when it's not friday, saturday or sunday. But this feels like a necessity.
So, today is December 4th. Actually, I'm looking forward to the MikuEXPO in Cologne today, heck work, heck everything else. That's what I thought.
But I realised something.
December 4th also marks the birthday of my ultimate waifu, Tae Hanazono.
Where should I even start. It's not like I knew Tae since day one or day two or day two-hundred and sixty-six. Actually, when I got into the franchise on April 15th 2018, I just thought "yeah arisa is relatable i guess". Tae was one of the last characters I actually got to know.
As I got into the stories a bit more, I realised how Tae is not your stereotypical serious buzzkill, because that's how she looked like to me. She's super dorky, she's adorable on the in- and outside, and most importantly, we have the same favorite food, eye color and we share a hobby (coincidence i think not).
I found Tae to be a very charismatic character. And, as cringey as I may sound with this entire post, she actually manages to brighten up some super crappy days. I just read a random story I skipped earlier because of my ignorance and smile bad thoughts away.
So, to give you something in return, I know it's not much:
Happy Birthday, Tae!
I wish you and your seiyuu to stay happy and healthy. And I wish to get all of your cards in WW Bandori tyvm.
Also I need some sleep for tomorrow so imagine I sent this one hour and seven minutes later.