Players list / kasukasumin

kasukasumin avatar


YO YO HEY YO MEN! it’s me Joy/Cass and I’m a biggy weeb (yo that should be my soundcloud rapper name tbh) So my life in a nutshell is Bandori, Chuunis, Weeabooism, acting, and Ako Udagawa bc she’s pure as hell. I’m self proclaimed Udagawa Sister Stan and Hello Happy, Hero!

So yeah I’m a giant meme so don’t hesitate to talk to me if you wanna be my friend. Everyone together.... Skeet Skeet Fleet! Yoroshiku ne!

Best Girls: Ako> Tomoe> Kokoro> Chu2 > Hagumi/Kaoru

Favorite Band: Hello, Happy World!

Favorite Songs: Jamboree Journey, Kimi ga Inakucha, A Declaration of XXX, B.O.F, Egao Sing a Song, R, Opera of the Wasteland, HeyDay Capriccio,

Favorite Covers: Romeo, Alien Alien, Secret Base, Happy Synthesizer, The Lost One's Weeping

4 accounts: