Girls Band Party / Cards list / Statistics / All Morfonica cards

147 cards match your search:
★★★★★ Mashiro Kurata - Pure - Sweet Whispers ★★★★★ Mashiro Kurata - Pure - Sweet Whispers 4185 9328 14121 3705 8372 12689 3659 8280 12552 11549 25980 39362 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, score of all notes boosted by +130.0%

★★★★★ Nanami Hiromachi - Power - Cold Winter Sea ★★★★★ Nanami Hiromachi - Power - Cold Winter Sea 3546 8906 13066 3588 8990 13192 3577 8968 13159 10711 26864 39417 None


★★★★ Touko Kirigaya - Pure - Bright and Cheerful ★★★★ Touko Kirigaya - Pure - Bright and Cheerful 3699 9011 13273 3457 8529 12550 3024 7669 11263 10180 25209 37086 None


★★★★★ Tsukushi Futaba - Power - Christmas Carol ★★★★★ Tsukushi Futaba - Power - Christmas Carol 3218 8254 12090 3450 8716 12781 4022 9853 14483 10690 26823 39354 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, score of all notes boosted by +130.0%

★★★★★ Mashiro Kurata - Power - Stretch Your Back Straight ★★★★★ Mashiro Kurata - Power - Stretch Your Back Straight 3662 9137 13415 3292 8402 12310 3842 9496 13949 10796 27035 39674 Life recovery (Score up)

Restores life by 750 and boosts score of all notes by 110.0% for the next 5 seconds

★★★★ Nanami Hiromachi - Power - Holy Night Youth ★★★★ Nanami Hiromachi - Power - Holy Night Youth 3044 7708 11321 3921 9453 13933 3216 8049 11832 10181 25210 37086 None


★★★ Touko Kirigaya - Pure - Let's Debut, TOKO COLLECTION! ★★★ Touko Kirigaya - Pure - Let's Debut, TOKO COLLECTION! 3220 7008 10646 3570 7703 11688 3007 6586 10013 9797 21297 32347 Life recovery (Score up)

Restores life by 450 and boosts score of all notes by 20.0% for the next 5 seconds

★★ Rui Yashio - Happy - The White Butterfly's Music 2315 6311 2256 6163 1838 5114 6409 17588 Perfect lock (Score up)

All GREAT notes turn into PERFECT notes and boosts score of all notes by 10.0% for the next 5 seconds

★★★★★ Rui Yashio - Power - Lured Into a Sweet Sleep 3577 13159 3524 13002 3609 13256 10710 39417 None


★★★★★ Nanami Hiromachi - Cool - What I Want to Tell You ★★★★★ Nanami Hiromachi - Cool - What I Want to Tell You 3450 8716 12781 3345 8507 12468 4001 9812 14423 10796 27035 39672 Perfect lock (Score up)

All BAD notes turn into PERFECT notes and boosts score of all notes by 110.0% for the next 5 seconds

★★★★★ Mashiro Kurata - Cool - Sunset Droplets ★★★★★ Mashiro Kurata - Cool - Sunset Droplets 3228 8278 12123 3440 8696 12751 4022 9853 14483 10690 26827 39357 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, score of all notes boosted by +130.0%

★★★★ Tsukushi Futaba - Cool - Shibuya Adventure! ★★★★ Tsukushi Futaba - Cool - Shibuya Adventure! 3256 8130 11951 3508 8632 12705 3417 8450 12433 10181 25212 37089 None
